Saturday, January 03, 2009

Gaza attacks

If you don't want people to call you a terrorist, try wearing an army uniform.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

then they'll charge you with genecide. There is no escaping words ;)

jarvenpa said...

Oh my. About Gaza there is little and everything to say; it is horrific. And I am so tired of the news in the USA saying "terrorists" when it is children and ordinary people suffering so.

Hydra said...

dear dr and jarvenpa, bice to hear from you guys again. I agree.


Dear haa-meed, you and I were both aspleep when the right to resist an occupation became known as 'terrorism' in our politics and media. in just a little more than a week more than 300 people have died and over a thousand injured. Don't tell me that this is a war against hamas and not the palestinians.

for too long palestinians have been deprived of basic supplies, such as food, medicines, and electricity, all due to israeli blockades. whereas in the last 18 years less than 20 people have been killed by hamas rocket attacks, israel have killed over 300 people in only a few days. you tell me, who's the real terrorist here? the ones without an army suit?

Anonymous said...

I understand,

However, the fact that you are calling it an "occupation" doesn't make sense. Arabs never owned that land, they just lived there. In fact Jews and Arabs both lived in that area in peace for many years prior to creation of the state of Israel. The land was simply given back after many years of Roman,Ottoman, British occupation/rule/ownership. I'm sorry to break this to you, but "historic Palestine" ended thousands of years ago, go read up on your history.

You claim this is a war on the Israeli-Arabs? That is a very bias statement to make. Did you fail to notice that not ALL Arabs moved out of Israel? That 20% enjoy life and live happily under Israel's democracy? Arabs are even elected to their legislative body the Knesset, so don't tell me this is a war on Arabs, because if it was why do most Arabs within Israel admit that out of all 22 Arab states they are most protected under Israeli law?

Why don't you include the total number of Israelis killed since the Oslo Accords, if your going to throw numbers around? Since Sept. 1993-2006 appx. 1400 Israelis have been murdered in terrorist attacks by Arab terrorist groups. Regardless if this number is lower or equal to the number of Arab casualties does not justify it at all. These terrorist groups still add to the circle of violence in the area, and aren't making it any easier for innocent Arabs who want to simply live their lives. So don't call a nation defending itself (both Israeli and Arab) terrorists.

When a nation has a security dilemma regarding terrorist groups living within it's borders, certain security and defense measures must be taken to maintain peace, and with that certain sacrifices must be made that inconvenience both Arab and Israelis.

And of course, when groups like Hamas use the human shield tactic of Hezbollah, and hide and shelter themselves, and their ammo in residential areas, of course people are going to die, its called collateral damage, I'm not saying who cares, but I'm saying that groups like Hamas anticipate civilian deaths for the reason of making Israel look like a big bully.