Sunday, November 06, 2005

Author unknown

Never hold your farts in... they travel up your spine, into your brain...and that's where shitty ideas come from!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Hydra -
LOL :)
Nice one my friend!
Well said, short & sweet... there is not much for me left to say.
Merci :)

Dr O2 said...

:-) lol. Well congrats U have managed to solve the mystery behind this special case ;-) hilarious.

Hydra said...

Thanks, buddies. I can't really accept any credit for this one, though. I just found the phrase somewhere (hence the title), and thought maybe it was a nice idea to turn it into a political joke.

Anonymous said...

Aweosme. . .the words might not have been yours, but the added photo said it all ;)
BTw, thanks for the kind words.